The large number of hits had to be reduced to a more manageable number by establishing the criteria of selecting only those publications with an identifiable peer review process, stated economic assessment method, as a requisite for publication.
We classified studies depending on the unit of assessment studied including measuring impacts on farmers/households, trade, industry/national, and consumers.
Chinese Bt cotton, China |
- Most studied crop and trait combination is Bt cotton
- Most of the studies conducted in China, India and South Africa
- On average, economic impact from the adoption of Genetically Modified crops was profitable—but averages mask variability by agro-climate, host cultivar, farmer
- This collection of studies identified that too few traits have been studied and too few cases/authors implementing such studies. Taking this into considerations lesson generalizations to all GM crops should not be drawn yet…
- Assessment methods need improvement especially those dealing with household decision making processes, risk and uncertainty, different types of selection bias and endogeneity
- Need more time to describe adoption and better methods to describe adoption in an ex ante setting.
- Next decade need to concentrate more on:
o Information and knowledge flows (to/from farmer )
o gender, generational and other cross-cutting issues
o impacts on poverty and inequality,
o externalities and other institutional issues
o gender, generational and other cross-cutting issues
o impacts on poverty and inequality,
o externalities and other institutional issues
Smale, Melinda; Zambrano, Patricia; Gruère, Guillaume; Falck-Zepeda, José; Matuschke, Ira; Horna, Daniela; Nagarajan, Latha; Yerramareddy, Indira; Jones, Hannah. 2009. Measuring the economic impacts of transgenic crops in developing agriculture during the first decade: Approaches, findings, and future directions. (Food policy review 10) Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) 107 pages.